Jobs threatened by artificial intelligence identified

 Jobs threatened by artificial intelligence identified

What is artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that is interested in creating machines capable of thinking, learning and acting independently. Artificial intelligence seeks to simulate human intelligence in machines, and is used in many different fields, such as medicine, industry, transportation, finance, education, marketing, and entertainment

There are many different definitions of artificial intelligence, but the most common definition is that it is the ability to think, learn and act independently. Artificial intelligence includes a wide range of technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics

Developed countries differ in the field of artificial intelligence, but some countries that have an advantage in this area include

 United States of America
 South Korea

These countries are investing heavily in the field of artificial intelligence, and possess a strong scientific and research base in this field. These countries also enjoy the presence of leading technology companies working in the field of artificial intelligence, such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Alibaba

Artificial intelligence has a great potential for change in the world, and it is expected to play an important role in many different areas in the future. Artificial intelligence can help solve many of the problems facing humanity, such as climate change, diseases, poverty. Artificial intelligence can also create many new opportunities for humanity, such as jobs, new products and services

However, there are also some challenges facing the field of artificial intelligence, such as the problem of ethics, the possibility of using artificial intelligence for malicious purposes. It is important that AI is developed in an ethical and responsible way, and AI is used for charitable purposes

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing field, and it is expected that it will continue to develop in the coming years. Artificial intelligence will play an important role in the future of mankind, and it is important to be aware of the possibilities and challenges that this field faces

Artificial intelligence is one of the most advanced technologies in the world today, and it is expected that it will have a significant impact on the future of human jobs, as artificial intelligence is able to perform many tasks that were previously considered the preserve of humans, such as driving, translating and writing articles, and this means that many workers are likely to lose their jobs due to artificial intelligence in the near future

 Jobs that are likely to be lost due to artificial intelligence

There are many jobs that are likely to be lost due to artificial intelligence, according to Google, including the following

truck drivers
customer service representatives
real estate agents
Financial Analysts

 Jobs that are likely to grow due to artificial intelligence

Although artificial intelligence will lead to the loss of many jobs, it is also expected to create new ones. Artificial intelligence will need people to design, develop, operate and maintain it. Among the new jobs that artificial intelligence is likely to create are the following

Artificial intelligence engineers
data scientists
artificial intelligence designers
artificial intelligence technicians
artificial intelligence trainers
artificial intelligence security experts

 How can we prepare for the future ruled by artificial intelligence

There are many things we can do to prepare for the future ruled by artificial intelligence, including

Learn about artificial intelligence and how it works
 Develop the skills that artificial intelligence needs, such as critical thinking, problem solving and creativity skills
 To be flexible and able to adapt to change
To be ready to retrain ourselves for new jobs
Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing technology that has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. However, there are some functions that artificial intelligence cannot threaten anytime soon

Here are some examples of jobs that artificial intelligence cannot threaten

Jobs that require creativity and innovation

 Artificial intelligence is good at repeating routine tasks, but not so good at innovation. Jobs that require creativity and innovation, such as artists, musicians and designers, are unlikely to be replaced by artificial intelligence anytime soon

Jobs that require social skills

 Artificial intelligence is good at processing information, but not so good at social interaction. Jobs that require social skills, such as teachers, therapists, and counselors, are unlikely to be replaced by artificial intelligence anytime soon

Jobs that require human touch

Artificial intelligence is good at performing tasks, but not so good at human touch. Jobs that require human touch, such as healthcare providers and domestic help workers, are unlikely to be replaced by artificial intelligence anytime soon

Although artificial intelligence may change many aspects of our lives, it is unlikely that it will replace all jobs anytime soon. There are many jobs that will still require unique human skills, such as creativity, innovation, social skills and human touch

The future of jobs under artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a powerful force that has the potential to revolutionize the labor market, as many workers are likely to lose their jobs due to artificial intelligence, but artificial intelligence is also expected to create new jobs. Therefore, it is important to be prepared for the future ruled by artificial intelligence by learning about artificial intelligence and developing the skills it needs, being flexible and able to adapt to change


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